NFT Collections
A new dimension of personal branding.
From this article, you will learn:
  • How personal brands can leverage NFTs to strengthen their position.
  • How NFT collections can boost engagement with your fans.
  • About the opportunities to generate additional revenue through NFT collections.
  • How NFT collections can assist in promoting your brand in the digital world.
With the development of blockchain technology, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged on the digital scene, gaining increasing popularity. In everyday terms, they are simply “non-exchangeable tokens”, which means they don't have their equivalent in other items or currencies. These tokens are revolutionizing the way we think about owning, trading, and storing digital assets. In this article, we will introduce you to the basics related to the topic of NFTs, so you can delve into this fascinating world and find out the benefits it can bring.
What are NFTs?
NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are digital assets that have unique characteristics, making them non-exchangeable with other tokens. This means that each NFT is unique and has its own value set by the holder of the token. NFTs can represent various types of digital assets, such as images, music, movies, video games, virtual item collections, and much more.
NFT is a technology that opens the door to various applications for digital assets. It allows for unique marking and tracking of ownership, which is extremely useful for various types of digital content such as images, movies, music, games, and virtual collectible items.
Thanks to NFTs, creators can sell their works directly on the digital market, receiving compensation for them. Buyers, on the other hand, gain assurance of the authenticity and uniqueness of their purchase. NFT also creates new opportunities for artists and content creators, paving the way for greater financial independence and innovative ways to monetize digital assets.
What are the applications of blockchain for NFTs?
Here are some main reasons why blockchain is significant for NFTs:
  • Strict ownership tracking: Blockchain allows precise tracking and confirmation of NFT ownership. Every NFT has a unique identifier recorded on the blockchain, which means it can easily verify who owns a particular token. This ensures transparency and eliminates the risk of double ownership or forgery.
  • Immutability: NFT transactions are recorded on the blockchain, which is distributed and impossible to modify. This means that the NFT transaction history is irreversible and unchangeable, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of tokens.
  • Openness and decentralization: Blockchains for NFTs are based on technology that is open and decentralized. This means there isn't a single entity controlling the entire system. Anyone can join the blockchain network, view, create, and trade NFTs, promoting the democratization of access to the NFT market.
  • Portability: Thanks to blockchain, NFTs can be easily transferred between different platforms and wallets. All token information is recorded in the blockchain, allowing the owner to freely move their NFTs to other trading platforms or wallets.
  • Security and uniqueness: Blockchain for NFTs also ensures a high level of security. Every NFT has its unique metadata recorded on the blockchain, meaning it cannot be copied or counterfeited. This guarantees that the NFT owner possesses a unique and one-of-a-kind digital item.
All these features of the blockchain contribute to the growing popularity of NFTs, enabling artists, creators, and collectors to sell, buy, and trade digital assets in a safe, transparent, and reliable manner.
Storing NFTs
The issue of storing your NFT to ensure its safety and protect against its loss is crucial. Here are several ways you can store your non-fungible tokens:
  • Digital wallets: There are specialized digital wallets designed for storing NFTs. These wallets allow importing, storing, and managing NFTs. Examples of popular digital wallets include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, MyEtherWallet, and Coinbase Wallet. It is essential to use reputable and securely protected digital wallets.
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges: Some cryptocurrency exchanges allow storing NFTs on a user's account. This means NFTs are kept at the wallet address associated with the exchange account. However, it's worth noting that storing NFTs on an exchange might carry risks since you don't have full control over your digital assets.
  • Hardware wallets: Hardware wallets are offline devices that offer a high level of security. These devices store private keys essential for accessing NFTs. Hardware wallets, such as Ledger Nano S or Trezor, are commonly used for storing cryptocurrencies, including NFTs.
  • Paper wallets: Paper wallets are among the safest means to store NFTs. Private keys are generated offline and stored on paper or another physical form. It's vital to keep the paper wallet in a secure location, away from moisture, fire, and potential unauthorized access.
Regardless of the chosen method for storing NFTs, it is important to adhere to certain safety protocols:
  • Always keep backups of your private keys to avoid losing access to your NFTs.
  • Use secure and vetted digital wallets, exchanges, or blockchain platforms.
  • Do not share your private keys with third parties and maintain the privacy of your information.
  • Try to use two-factor authentication and other security measures offered by the chosen wallet or platform.
Choosing the right way to store NFTs depends on your preferences and comfort level, but always remember to prioritize security and caution to protect your digital assets.
Earning Potential Associated with NFTs
There are several ways to earn from non-fungible tokens. Here are some popular methods of generating income related to NFTs:
  • Creating and selling your own NFTs: If you are an artist, designer, or digital creator, you can create your own NFTs and sell them on various platforms, for instance, OpenSea. You can craft unique digital artworks, collections, music, virtual items, and many other things. When you sell your NFTs, you receive payment in the form of cryptocurrencies or traditional currencies, depending on the platform you operate on.

  • Investing: You can earn from NFTs by investing in existing tokens that have the potential to appreciate in value. Similar to investing in traditional assets, you buy tokens at a lower price and then sell them at a higher rate when their value increases. However, it's worth noting that the NFT market can be unpredictable, so it's essential to thoroughly research projects and weigh the investment risk.

  • Participating in affiliate programs and airdrops: Some NFT projects offer affiliate programs, wherein you can earn commissions for promoting and selling their NFTs. Additionally, certain NFT projects conduct airdrops where you can receive free NFTs or other rewards for participating.

NFTs are becoming increasingly popular, opening up diverse earning opportunities. However, it's essential to conduct your own research, track market trends, and thoroughly understand the project or platform before embarking on any income-generating activity related to NFTs.
Intellectual Property Rights in NFTs
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are currently widely discussed in the context of intellectual property rights. However, it's important to understand that owning an NFT doesn't automatically imply a transfer of rights to the work in question. When analyzing NFTs from a copyright perspective, it's crucial to differentiate the ownership of the NFT itself from the rights that may accompany it. Intellectual property rights conveyed by the seller can vary depending on the specific token.
An NFT holder may have access to a digital creation, but the rights to the content itself may still belong to the creator or another entity. Basic copyright is transferred to the NFT buyer only when it's conveyed by the creator in an agreement. Without such a transfer of rights, the non-fungible token holder doesn't possess copyright permissions to the content. This means they don't have the right to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from the original piece. Only the copyright owner holds such permissions.
Simply holding an NFT doesn't, therefore, imply a transfer of personal or property rights from the creator to the buyer. An NFT token is more of a unique specimen of a work or proof of acquiring such a specimen, primarily holding collectible value. Parties can, however, enter an agreement that simultaneously transfers copyright or provides a license for the work in the context of the NFT. The scope of content usage by the token buyer can be defined in such an agreement.